This document helps the user to migrate CMS DB from SQLAnywhere to HANA Database where BOE is installed in Linux/Unix environment.
To make it simple I have divided the migration into two phases where Phase 1(Configuration Phase) deals with the configuring the required settings for migration and Phase 2(Migration Phase) deals with the actual migration.
Phase 1: Configuration Phase
In this phase we install the HANA client, configure the DSN, which is explained in detail below.
Step 1: Install HDB Client in the machine where BOE is installed.
Step 2: Using the below command copy file from HDB Client directory to linux_x* directory.
cp <HDB_Client_Install_Directory>/<BOE_Install_Dir>/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/
cp <HDB_Client_Install_Directory>/<BOE_Install_Dir>/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x86/
Step 3: Add the details of HANA server in odbc.ini which is present in <BOE_Install_Dir>/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/
Below is the screenshot, which has details of HANA driver
Note: ServerNode Value should be ServerNode=<HOSTNAME OF HANASERVER>:3<INSTANCENUMBER>15
Note: Output should be: <BOE_Install_Dir>/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/
Phase 2: Migration Phase
In this phase, we perform the actual migration using script.
Step 1: Run script present in <BOE_Install_Dir>/sap_bobj/
Step 2: Specify the name of the node and press enter. In this example "lnxsuse11x64" is the name of the node.
Step 3: You need to stop the node before migration so select option 3 to stop the node.
Step 4: Select option 4 "copy" for Database Copy(by default it will be "update").
Step 5: It will show a warning message that this operation will deleted BIP tables in destination DB. Select option 3 "Yes"(by default it will be "No")
Step 6: It will prompt whether you need current DB(SQLAnywhere) as destination database. You need to select option 2 "No"(by default it will be "Yes")
Note: If you choose yes it will delete all BIP tables from current DB. In this our destination DB is HANA so select option 2.
Step 7: Select option 8 “SAP HANA” as destination database.
Step 8: Enter the ODBC DSN for connecting HANA DB(This values should be same as values entered in odbc.ini file). In this example “Hana_Migration” is DSN name for HANA DB.
Step 9: Enter User Name for connecting HANA DB.
Step 10: Enter Password for connecting HANA DB.
Step 11: Enter CMS Cluster Key.
Step 12: Now you need to specify Source CMS database. In this case you need to select option 2 “SQLAnywhere”.
Step 13: Enter the ODBC DSN for connecting SQLAnywhere DB(This values should be same as values entered in odbc.ini file).
In this example “BI4_CMS_DSN_1452244015” is DSN name for SQLAnywhere DB.
Step 14: Enter User Name for connecting SQLAnywhere DB.
Step 15: Enter Password for connecting SQLAnywhere DB.
Step 16: Enter CMS Cluster Key.
Step 17: Data successfully migrated to HANA DB.
Step 18: You can see CMS tables in HANA DB using HANA Studio.