Purpose of document:
This utility is a very useful utility for real-time Webi-APS usage and relationship tracking.
This utility provides an overview of current connections between WIReportServer and APS processes on each machine, also allowing you to further analyze what user is actually running the report and has the open session with each server.
Where this utility is available:
it is available on each of the BI 4.0 servers. From the G:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\java\apps\WebiAdminTool directory
you need to have a 64-bit java/bin directory in the system PATH variable as a per-requisite.
How to execute:
a file named GenericContainer_AdminTool exists, which you can execute via DOS using the java –jar command.
To run the program, execute the following. Again, just make sure a 64-bit java.exe is accessible in the system PATH variable. A quick java –version command from DOS will verify whether a java executable is available
Please find the below screen.
You’ll have to log in with credentials of a user that is an administrator in the environment to use it:
You’ll first be presented with an initial overview of the Webi processing servers:
From here, you can access the relationship graph, as well as current Webi session metrics that allow you to track some important metrics in real-time, by clicking on the different buttons on the left-hand side of the screen:
It will display Total Session count, Swapped Session Count, Cache Size,Virtual Memory Size,Current Client calls, Active session count, Logged Usage count, CPU Usage of Webi processing servers.
fail over/recovery Server information:
In the Next screen, where you will be able to find the present calls between Webi processing server and APS.
we can find which service is handling which request in real-time.
I’ve included some screenshots around the primary uses of the tool. Please try this utility and let us know if you have any questions/problems in using it. One word of caution, try not to run too many instances of this program on the same machine, as each instance of the program has around a .5 to 1GB RAM footprint, so can quickly spike up the memory on the machine it’s being run from if too many instances are running.
hope this document is useful.
Thanks ..