Making BOE SOAP WebServices work on JBoss application server requires a few steps.
Step 1:
Once BOE is installed, locate the "wdeploy\rsa_module" directory.
Copy all files from the following WDeploy RSA module directory:
Path : “<BOE_INSTALL_DIR>\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\wdeploy\rsa_module”
(Below images are just a reference install on Windows.)
Step 2:
On installed JBoss application server,
Create a “com\rsa\main” directory under this “modules” directory.
Path : “<JBOSS_INSTALL_DIR>\modules\"
Place all files copied in step#1 above.
Path: “<JBOSS_INSTALL_DIR>\modules\com\rsa\main”
Step 3:
Move the jboss-deployment-structure.xml file from:
Path: “<JBOSS_INSTALL_DIR>\modules\com\rsa\main”
And place the file in the following dswsbobje source file directory:
Path: “<BOE_INSTALL_DIR>\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\warfiles\webapps\dswsbobje\WEB-INF”
Step 4:
Remove the listed RSA JAR files from the dswsbobje war:
1. certjFIPS.jar,
2. cryptojFIPS.jar
3. ssljFIPS.jar
Path: “<BOE_INSTALL_DIR>\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\warfiles\webapps\ dswsbobje \WEB-INF\lib”
Step 5:
Predeploy the modified dswsbobje web application using the Wdeploy tool.
Path: “<BOE_INSTALL_DIR>\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\wdeploy
Command: “wdeploy jboss6 predeploy -DAPP= dswsbobje”
Step 6:
A dswsbobje.war file will be generated in following directory.
path: “<BOE_INSTALL_DIR>\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\wdeploy/workdir/jboss6/application”
Step 7:
Deploy on JBoss.
Place “dswsbobje.war” file copied in step#6 above.
Path: “<JBOSS_INSTALL_DIR>\standalone\deployments”
Step 8:
Restart the JBoss application server.
Step 9:
Verify deployment
Check list of BOE services available: http://<server>:<port>/dswsbobje/services
Follow the same steps for AdminTools application.