This document provides the simple steps to consume the Crystal Reports RESTful Webservices.
Crystal Reports RESTful web services allow report data managed in a BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform repository to be consumed and embedded in web-enabled and mobile technology. The report content can be fetched either in XML or JSON format, and manipulate a report using the RESTful API and OData services. RESTful web services allow you to create applications using any development language.
Crystal Reports RESTful web services allows to:
- Export a report to a number of different file types
- Retrieve report metadata.
- Get rows of data and calculations.
- Push a row of data to the report.
- Get and set report parameters.
- Retrieve data in XML or JSON format
Steps to perform the tasks are below
1. Logon To BOE Server
Content-Type: application/xml
<attrs xmlns=""><attr
name="userName" type="string">Administrator</attr><attr
name="password" type="string">Password1</attr><attr
name="auth" type="string"
Use token in response from now on to use this session. Put the value in a header named “X-SAP-LogonToken”.
2. Get Rows of the report
3. See the report’s metadata
4. Create a transient instance(transient instance cannot be saved and the job will be cleaned up aftertime out, it can be exported)
GEThttp://<ServerIP>:<PortNumber>/biprws/infostore/<ReportInfoStoreID>/rpt/instance(this should return a list of parameters or logon required)
Content-Type: application/xml
Fill in the form provided by the GET method
5. Access the transient instance (use the link provided in #4’s response)
GET http://<ServerIP>:<PortNumber>/biprws/infostore/<ReportInfoStoreID>/rpt/<instanceID>
6. Get the count of Number of rows
(example: 394 Rows my report)
7. POST a new row into the transient instance
Content-Type: application/xml
BODY: (e.g.)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<entry xmlns:d="" xmlns:m=""
<content type="application/xml">
8. Find the new row
You should see the new row added
The following are the list of the placeholder items description that are used in the above steps
- ServerIP: Server IP of the Rest API deployed
- PortNumber : Default Port number for web services is: 6405
- ReportInfoStoreID: Infostore ID of the report
- instanceID: Instance ID of the Report
Sample Code snippet:
var token = null;
function init(){
token = "CMSName:CMSPort@3&2=6370,U3&2v=CMSName:CMSPort,UP&66=60,U3&68=secEnterprise:BOEUsername,UP&S9=12,U3&qe=100,U3&vz=VO_bkrpzqQtPJHal6deHWH5z8QDdFGKOFI32PP.L31w,UP}";
SAP.CR.Viewer.create("crystalViewer", 'viewerContainer1', onViewerInit,onViewerFailure);
function onViewerInit(viewerInstance){
viewerInstance.setReportSource(ReportID, token);
function onViewerFailure(instance, error){
position : absolute;
left : 12.5%;
top : 20.5%;
width : 75%;
height : 75%;
<divid="viewerContainer1" class="viewerStyle"></div>
Hope this document helps to consume the RESTful Webservices easily.