This document gives Migration of WEBI reports, Dashboards, Universes and Connections in IDT (Information Design tool) from one environment to other
(Ex: from Dev to QA and Prod):
After Development of WEBI reports, Dashboards and the connections in the IDT (Information Design tool) should be migrate from Development system to Quality and from Quality to Production.
To achieve above procedure needs to follow the below simple steps in BI 4.0.
Environment: BI 4.0
- Log on CMC(Central Management Console)
- Click On Promotion Management
- Click on New Job option
- Give name of the Job, Description and keywords of the Job
- If the existing Job is there take the job details by clinking Browse button.
- Give the Source System details by selecting the Login to New CMS option
- Log in to the new system (Ex: Development System)
- Give Credentials (User Name, Password and Authentication)
- Click Login
- Give the Destination System details by selecting the Login to New CMS option
- Log in to the new system (Ex: Quality System)
- Give Credentials (User Name, Password and Authentication)
- Click Login
- After login destination system details click on Create option
- Select the required Folders, Connections and Universes to promote(From Development to Quality).
- Click Add & Close button
- After Added the required Folders, Connections and Universes click on Promote option
- After promote the required docs system once again asks to confirm the details
- Check the details of Folders, Reports, Connections and Universes click on Promote once again
- If the User wants to schedule the migration job, can select Schedule option
- If the User wants to save the migration job, can select Save option
- Once Promote the job , by clicking on History button will get the status of the job(Success/Failure)
- After migration Job gets success ,log on to IDT ( Information Design tool)
- Check the destination system (Ex: QA system)
- Check the Bo connections under the system
- Edit the connections and point to respective system
- Save the connection.