I have created a dummy report in BO Development server. Now, I need to transport the same report in the BO testing Server.
Name of the report Transported – Report Test 1.
In SAP BO4.0, We can transport the Webi queries/Crystal reports using “Promotion Management”. By using this we can transport queries, Universes, dashboards etc. from one BO server to another.
- Login to CMC (central Management Console) –
2. Select the ‘Promotion Management’ from the manage Column marked in red.
3. Here, we will see the jobs created for objects transport. Click on New Job.
Give the relevant Name of the Job(here I have given SAP Report Test1), Description, Source and Destination.
Source will be the CMS from where you want to transport the Objects, select Login to New CMS and provide the credentials.
In Destination, we will see either CMS or LCMBIAR. By selecting the CMS we can transport the objects directly and by using LCMBIAR we can import the objects later(this will create a BIAR File).
Here I have used the destination – Login to New CMS.
Click on create.
A new window will open which will provide the option to select the objects for transport. Select the object and Close it.
In my case, I have created a test report under the folder ZTEST. I selected report with name – Report Test 1 from the folder.
4. Now we will see the selected report in the pane. Before transporting the object first we have to check the dependencies. There is option ‘Manage Dependencies’. Like, if the report is built on universe then we have to transport that universe too. In our case there is no Dependency.
5.Click on the Promote Button.
6.New window will open. Always use the ‘Test Promote’ button before transporting the Query. It is same as we do the consistency check while transporting the BEx Reports.
7. Click on the Promote Button.
We can check the status here. If it is successfully done, we will be able to check our objects in the destination BO server now.
8.When we check in Destination BO server we will find the selected report.
In development there are two reports under folder ZTEST. We selected only one report for transport which is Report Test 1. As we can see in the above screenshot, only the selected report is transported.