Hello SCN,
In this post, I will go through the necessary steps to create/ setup and schedule a batch script to START/ STOP SIA service on Windows 2008 Server.
- Steps can be followed for SAP BusinessObjects XI3.0, XI3.1 & BI4.0 or BI4.1
- Scripts can be scheduled on multiple Windows Servers across the network
- It can be very well utilized in those environments where backup activities happens automatically using 3rd party tools
- Same script can be embedded with the Backup tools to ensure BI services get stopped and start automatically during and after the backup process starts/ finishes.
First thing first:
1. Log in to Windows 2008 Server using Administrator account/ user
2. Go to (START >> Administrative Tools >> Services)
3. Look for the service called as ‘Server Intelligence Agent’
4. Go to its properties screen and COPY its service name, for e.g. (BOEXI40SIAXXXX)
In this step, you need to create 2 batch scripts file – follow below mentioned steps to create using Notepad
File 1 >>
1. Open Notepad and type following
@echo off
2. Save as File with .bat extension and named it as ‘SIA4_STOP’
3. Replace the SIA Service Name with the name you’ve copied from STEP 1
File 2 >>
1. Open Notepad and type following
@echo off
2. Save as file with .bat extension and named it as ‘SIA4_START’
3. Replace the SIA Service Name with the name you’ve copied from STEP 1
In this step, copy over both the .bat files onto following path:
Path: $Install Dir\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\win32_x86\scripts
1. Go to, (START >> Control Panel >> Administrative Tools >> Task Scheduler)
2. Click on Create Task
3. On the General tab, Set the NAME/ DESCRIPTION for the task:
4. On Triggers Tab, click on New button and set the followings:
5. On Actions Tab, click on New button and set the followings:
- In the setting window select ‘SIA4_STOP.bat’ file from BusinessObjects Installation directory
6. Set the following settings on Conditions& Settings tab
7. Click on Ok button, program will prompt for Username/ Password window
- Provide Windows Administrator Account User details and click Ok.
8. Task scheduler will show the created task as follows:
9. Repeat the # 2 to 7 for SIA_START script
- In this step select the 2nd script created to start the SIA
- As per the backup activity and the duration required for entire process, set the Start time of the script accordingly.
- This is to ensure SIA has sufficient time to shutdown and restart all the BI services appropriately.
10. One completed, task scheduler window should look like as follows:
In above example:
a. SIA_STOP script will be executed on every Sunday @ 11:59 PM
b. SIA_START will be executed on every Monday @ 12:10 AM i.e. midnight
c. So in this scenario SIA has buffer of 11 minutes in which backup tool should finish its process
d. Based on your requirements you can set up the scripts schedule accordingly and utilize the feature of windows automation.